Farewell Ceremony to The Year 3 of Secondary School

The approaching ending of the school year for most of us tends to be a joyful time, but with no doubt we have to face the feeling of sadness when the walls of our school leave the Year 3  secondary school students. An annual official farewell ceremony, with the presence of many parents and teachers, traditionally took place in a theatrical hall of the Cultural Centre of St Hedwig on June 15th 2018.

On this day, the Year 3 students decided to impersonate their teachers on stage and present what they could do in their lives if they did not choose being teachers as their walk of life. Among many professions – a sailor, a cook, a pilot and an economist appeared on stage. The one who expected  interesting allusions and revealed secrets was not left disappointed.

Then, the 2GB and 2GA class decided to present the profiles of their older colleagues. It might seem that we have known them for many years and we know everything about them, but it turned out that the third-year students have even more extraordinary personalities and enormous potential. The most touching moment of the ceremony were words of thanks and appreciation. Simplicity of these  words and their depth caused that many teachers, even the most “toughest” ones, shed a tear.

The leaving students’ words of special thanks were referred to Mrs  Krystyna Majak and to the Heads for giving them opportunity to learn and develop. They also thanked their form teacher Mr Jarosław Sobota for his three-year “fatherhood”. In the end, the Head Mr Sławomir Barszcz congratulated the students on the results of their final exams, which were outstanding. Most results exceed national averages, up to 30 percentage points.

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