On 13th November 2018 primary school girls aged 12 and the younger ones took part in Swimming Championships. Our school was represented by 7 swimmers Laszczak Katarzyna, Rubiś Aleksandra, Lis Anna, Halastra Lena, Ostrowska Maja, Konarska Izabela ad Sędziwy Zofia.

The girls took a challenge to compete in three swimming styles: breaststroke, freestyle and backstroke. There were 70 contestants altogether from 23 primary schools. In a relay our representatives came eleventh andi in individual rankings:

50m breaststroke

Place 12 – Lena Halastra
Place 16  – Aleksandra Rubiś

50m freestyle

Place 47  – Anna Lis
Place 60 – Maja Ostrowska

50m backstroke

Place 12  – Konarska Izabela
Place 47  – Katarzyna Laszczak

We would like to thank all contestants and wish them more great achievements!

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