On May 17th those students who succeeded in qualifications, held on 23rd and 24th April, represented our school in the 20th Swimming Competition for Public Schools in Krakow. Fifteen primary schools (about 150 competitors) and nine secondary schools (about 60 competitors) took part.

Our school was represented by 17 swimmers. Katarzyna Laszczak (class 3a), Borys Klinowski (class 3a), Klaudia Michna (class 6a) and Róża Konarska (class 2GB) are those who stood on the podium.

The other swimmers have improved their life records  winning high places in their age categories. In their struggles the competitors were supported by a coach Paweł Kindlik and the parents.

We would like to thank the coach and the parents for their care and support, and to congratulate the swimmerss on their successful performances and wish them further achievements.

The results are as follows:

Brown – 25m breaststroke – Katarzyna Laszczak – Year Group 2009-2011
Silver – 25m breaststroke – Borys Klinowski – Year Group 2007-2008
Silver –50m breaststroke – Klaudia Michna – Year Group  2005-2006
Silver –50m breaststroke – Róża Konarska – Year Group 2002-2003

Remaining results of our contestants:
Year Group 2009-2011:
25m backstroke – Katarzyna Laszczak – 5th place
25m backstroke – Michał Pielichowski – 5th place
Year Group 2007-2008:
25m backstroke – Borys Klinowski – 16th place
25m backstroke – Bartłomiej Piekarz – 17 th place
25m backstroke – Igor Eichler – 18th place
25m freestyle – Jan Pisula – 9th place
25m freestyle – Bartłomiej Piekarz – 18th place
25m breaststroke – Anna Lis – 8th place
25m breaststroke – Igor Eichler – 4th place
Year Group 2005-2006:
25m butterfly – Klauida Michna – 7 th place
50m backstroke – Izabela Konarska – 4 th place
50m backstroke – Joanna Pielichowska – 11th place
50m freestyle – Izabela Konarska – 8th place
50m freestyle – Lena Halastra – 13th place
50m freestyle – Natalia Sielska – 15th place
50m breaststroke – Emilia Halastra – 6th place
50m breaststroke – Zuzanna Dutkiewicz – 12th place
Year Group: 2004
50m freestyle – Jakub Kaczmarczyk – 7th place
50m breaststroke – Jakub Kaczmarczyk – 6th place

Year Group 2002-2003:
50m freestyle – Róża Konarska – 6th place
50m freestyle – Maciej Laszczak – 8th place
50m breaststroke – Maciej Laszczak – 4th place

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