10 December 2019

The Noble Parcel

We are happy to announce that this year was again the one in which our school’s community was keen to help others during a national fundraising […]
4 December 2019

The Nobel Prize Winners Night And St Andrews Day Celebrations

It seems that some of our students as well as the staff members enjoy The Nobel Prize Winners Schools so that they wish to stay overnight! […]
3 December 2019

Lista nagrodzonych w 4. edycji konkursu “Dbamy o nasze miasto – walczymy ze smogiem”

Poniżej publikujemy listę osób nagrodzonych oraz wyróżnionych za prace plastyczne nadesłane w ramach 4. edycji konkursu „Dbamy o nasze miasto – walczymy ze smogiem”. Talenty plastyczne […]
3 December 2019

Our Young Programmists In Semi-Finals

We are very pleased to announce that the following students have been promoted to semi-finals of the Pix Programming Challenge PL, the National Programming Competition. Michail […]
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