27 March 2022

Winners and finalists of school curator competitions

Dear All, With great pleasure we would like to inform you that four of our students have been awarded laureates and finalists in the subject competitions […]
20 March 2022

Saint Patrick’s Day

Saint Patrick’s Day in Year 7: the story of St Patrick a Kahoot quiz Ireland and its neighbouring countries and their symbols Irish blessings. Well done […]
17 March 2022

School chemistry lab

During the March edition of the “School laboratory” project the youngest students took part in a real chemistry lesson. The classes were conducted by Dr Anna-Maria […]
4 March 2022

In solidarity with Ukraine – summary of the first week of the donation campaign

As part of the #NoblisciSolidarnizUkraine campaign, we collected 465 gifts for our friends from Ukraine. Below is a detailed list of gifts in units:   pillows […]
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