23 February 2018

Secondary School Students at the Institute of Physics of the Jagiellonian University

How to calculate the amount of energy required to melt the ice or thin focal lenses, what are the defects of the lenses? – these were […]
19 February 2018

Getting to Know Africa – parents conducting workshops for children

What does Tanzania look like? What course of events can be expected when you want to climb Kilimanjaro? What is life in Africa like? – these were […]
7 February 2018

Success in Skiing and Snowboarding Tournament

On 31st January 2018 r. in Kluszkowce  representation of our Primary and Secondary School  took part in the XX Krakow Skiing and Snowboarding Tournament for the […]
6 February 2018

I Place in Krakow Recitation Contest

We are pleased to announce that Julia Dudek, a 2gb class student, won  the first place in the 15th Krakow Recitation Contest. The finale of the […]
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