13 November 2017

School Celebration of Regaining Independence by Poland

On 10th November we celebrated the 99th anniversary of the historical event when Poland regained its independence. Year 0 to 3 pupils from a theatre circle […]
13 November 2017

Our students in the next stage of Nationwide Historical Contest

We are pleased to inform that Jakub Migacz from class 7a and Mikołaj Cyganek from class 2Gb have advanced to the second stage of XXII Nationwide […]
10 November 2017

Contest on Smog Decided

On 8th November the jury reached the final decision about a list of students awarded in edition II of the Contest. There were a few hundreds […]
6 November 2017

Krakow Legends Storytelling Contest

‘About Krakow Pigeons’, ‘About Krakow Bugle Call’ and ‘Maiden Rocks’ – there are only a few examples of the legends which our students chose to be […]
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