31 May 2019

Forty – Nine Laureates in the Nationwide Contest Albus

On May 6 – 10, 2018 our students took the Nationwide Albus Contest in: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, History, English, German, Polish, Mathematics and Science. 220 […]
16 June 2019

Results of School – Leaving Exams Are Known

On Friday, June 14th, Year 3 middle and Year 8 primary school students found out the results of their final exams. Our students’ scores outweigh significantly […]
8 October 2019

Relay Races

On 4th October the representatives of our school took part in another edition of Krakow Youth Olympics. This time the competition was held as relay cross […]
11 November 2019

“My Poland – My Little Homeland” – results of the Contest

On the 101st anniversary of regaining independence by Poland we present the results of the contest –  ‘My Poland – My Little Homeland. The students’ task […]
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