13 November 2017

Our students in the next stage of Nationwide Historical Contest

We are pleased to inform that Jakub Migacz from class 7a and Mikołaj Cyganek from class 2Gb have advanced to the second stage of XXII Nationwide […]
19 November 2017

Stage II of Nationwide Historical Contest for Secondary School Students

We are pleased to inform that Mikołaj Cyganek from class 2Gb advanced to the next stage of nationwide Historical Contest for Secondary School Students. Congratulations to […]
23 November 2017

Two tons of waste paper in two weeks and a prize from the City Council

30 November 2017

School Recitation Contest in Foreign Languages

On 28th and 30th November Recitation Contests in English, German and Spanish were held. To reach a final decision the jury applied a few criteria: level […]
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