We are offering last places to Year 1 in the Independent Polish Nobel Laureates High School with Bilingual Classes for the academic year 2019/2020
In order to start the application process you are kindly requested to contact the school office prior to visiting the school, either by phone or in person at the school venue.
The school office will be open during the summer holidays from Monday to Friday at 8.00 – 16.00.
In the academic year 2019/2020 we invite
Middle School and Year 8 Primary School Graduates to the following classes:
IA (3-year) with extended English language:
second foreign language to choose from: French, German, Spanish (at least 2 hours)
second extended subject from Year 1: Maths, Polish
third extended subject from Year 2: Biology, Chemistry, ICT, History, Social Studies
IB (4-year) with extended English language:
second foreign language to choose from: French, German, Spanish (at least 2 hours)
second extended subject from Year 1: Maths, Polish
third extended subject from Year 2: Biology, Chemistry, ICT, History, Social Studies
Information about Admissions can be obtained at:
Prywatne Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Noblistów Polskich w Krakowie
ul. Kluczborska 3
tel.: +48 600 961 414
+48 515 02 02 02