How do we measure weather? – The Nobels Laboratory

As a part of the Nobels Laboratory our youngest students explored secrets of weather. The topic of the workshop “The weather – nice or nasty? How is it measured?” introduced the students into meteorological issues. It was an opportunity to get to know weather components such as air temperature, atmospheric pressure, cloudiness, wind, precipitation, atmospheric sediments and what instruments are used to measure them. They also  found out how the weather can be predicted and how the weather forecast is created.

Thanks to simple models and experiences, the students had opportunity to observe how rain is formed and among many other things, they learned how to close a cloud in a bottle. Based on the knowledge they acquired Year 3 students were also able to make their own weather maps.

The workshops created a chance to have both – a good fun and to be a part of a team. The children proved their great involvement and vast knowledge in the field of meteorology.

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