The next record has been broken during the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity

On 11th January 2018 the School Final of the XXVI Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity was held in our school. On this occasion School Voluntary Service and School Council prepared many attractions for our students and parents.
The main point of the school event was the auction of valuable items that were donated by our parents, teachers, students and friends of our school. This year’s auction was conducted by a famous artist and a comedian Mr Marcin Daniec who enchanted the audience with his great sense of humour and performance which many times brought to tears of joy these who were gathered.
Among many items put up for auction there were: signed by Cristiano Ronaldo T – shirt, balls signed by Robert Lewandowski, Jakub Błaszczykowski and Wisła Krakow football players, some jewellery, VIP tickets for Wisla Krakow football match, books with autographs, paintings and a cake.
Despite a lower, than in previous years, number of students in our school, we have broken another record of donated money. Thanks to the enormous hearts and great generosity of our parents, students and teachers, we have managed to collect 18,406 PLN. We have also received congratulations from the headquater of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity which pointed out that “no other school in Krakow has managed to collect such a huge amount of money which this year is going to be collected with the aim to support neonatal units”.
We would like to thank everyone who was involved in organizing the event and took part in the auction as well.

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Detailed Account of Donations:
– Painting faces – 37,30 zł
– Raffle for the Youngest Ones – 1 501 zł
– Photobox – 195 zł
–Teddy Bear’s Birthday – 133,6 zł
– Playing Games on Consoles – 114 zł
– Games: Little Football Payers – 330 zł
– Armwrestling with Mr Kindlik 200 zł
– Can Knockdown – 115,90
– Cake Fair: 506,40 zł
– Cream Throw – 508 zł
– Raffle for the Elder Students – 849,80 zł
– The Auction – 13 915,00 zł
Total Amount: 18 406 PLN

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