During the last school year our students from 4th to 8th grade partook in the 5th edition of Krakow in 10 views contest. Since September 2019 until October 2020 students and their teachers participated in a number of excursions, lectures, various meetings and online tours during which they could learn about historical sights of Krakow and it’s surrounding areas. Each month it was each student’s task to complete a special worksheet, prepared by the history, polish language and fine art teachers.

Our committee has selected works of the following students as winners of the contest:

1st place Jan Migacz
2nd place Mikhail Zubkov
3rd place ex aequo Alicja Karlik and Deborah Kalandyk-Konstanty

We send our congratulations to the winners and many thanks to our history teacher Mrs. Kozłowska and all the participants for their amazing work.

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