Awards List in Literary and Oratory Contest Polish Nobel Laureates. Wisława Szymborska. (updated)

On Tuesday, March 19th we completed auditions for the literary and oratory contest Polish Nobel Laureates. Wislawa Szymborska. The jury also assessed submitted works of art.Below there are lists of  students awarded in the oratory, literary and art competitions. Detailed results (individual places and awards) will be announced at the Awards Ceremony which will be held on March 26 at 10.00 at the venue of Prywatna Szkoła Podstawowa im. Noblistów Polskich in Krakow, at 3 Kluczborska St.We would like to congratulate the winners and invite them to the Awards Ceremony. Awards List in the literary and oratory competition – is available in PolishAwards List in the art contest – is available in Polish:

Lista nagrodzonych w konkursie literacko-oratorskim
Lista nagrodzonych w konkursie plastycznym

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