About (Un)Forgotten Heroes in the crypts of St Peter and St Paul’s Church

On Tuesday, June 19th, the Years 4-7 primary and secondary school students took part in extraordinary history lesson in the crypts of  St Peter and Paul’s Church. They went there to see the exhibition entitled (Un) Forgotten Heroes and had a chance to listen to  Mr Andrzej Stawiarski who is the author of this display .They learnt about wartime and about the fight of the Poles for their homeland. Mr A. Stawiarski presented two figures: Antoni Stawarz, infantry captain of the Polish Army and organizer of the liberation of Kraków in 1918, and Ignacy Paderewski, a person who fought for independence of Poland, a statesman and politician.These were probably both – the atmosphere of the crypts, and full of passion speech about the times of the First World War, which made our students involved, interested and eager to build their national identity.


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