In the tradition of 6th December our school was visited by Santa Claus. He came along with his illustrious suite: elves, snowflakes, a reindeer, and even a snowman. Eagerly awaited by the children the special guests visited classes where presents were given not only to the students but also to the teachers. In order to receive their presents the teachers were asked to show off their talents – so songs were sung, dances with a snowman danced and poems recited.
Moreover, class 6a directed by Ms Agnieszka Korczak and Mrs Jadwiga Marek prepared for the youngest ones the performance entitled “Santa Claus Elves ‘. To make this day even more joyful all students wore Christmas costumes. School was full of elves, Snow Whites, angels and reindeer.
Thanks to the School Council supervised by Mrs Romańska, Santa Claus Suite made this day a really special one and brought a lot of smile not only on children’s faces.


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