On December 2, 2021, first graders were welcomed as readers of the Nobel Library.


The new Friends of the Library were transported by the book “Czytanie jest super”, to the land of “Alefajnie”, where they learned that reading is an invaluable source of good ideas, learning about the world and people, and will affect their entire lives. Through multimedia animation, students were also presented with book requests. The first graders prepared a surprise for the library – a song about the value of reading and books, which they eagerly sang together. The young students took the reading oath and took part in a ceremony to become readers with a big bookmark. All first graders received commemorative diplomas and reading books: a letterpress cut-out, a book “Pierwsze abecadło!” illustrated by Iwona Chmielewska, and a booklet for parents and caregivers “Książką połączeni, czyli uczymy się czytać razem”. The layette for our readers was awarded as part of the Book Institute’s campaign “Mała książka, wielki człowiek”, in which our school library was involved. We wish all first-graders a lifetime of reading!


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