Meeting with professor Kamiński within a project ‘The Nobel Laureates Ask Questions’

On Thursday, January 3rd  2019 another meeting realised as a part of the ‘The Nobel Laureates Ask Questions’project took place. This time the students had  a chance to meet prof. Michael A. Kamiński whose main field of scientific interests is geological research.During the meeting  the students got familiar with the impotance of Islamic issues in Asia. Our Guest presented the history and the present of Mecca and Medina, the two known in the world pilgrimage centeres of Islam. The students asked questions about the position of women in Islamic countries and about the economic situation in oil-producing countries in terms of a situation of shrinking oil reserves.The Professor thoroughly answered the students’questions who were keenly interested in all these issues.We would like to express our great thanks to prof. Kamiński, our special Guest and to all participants – our students and invite them to the next meeting. The project ” The Nobel Laureates Ask Questestions”  is organised by the New School Foundation in cooperation with Prywatna Szkoła Podstawowa im. Noblistów Polskich w Krakowie.

Prof. Mike Kaminski is a Full Professor at the Department of Geosciences. He started his prolific academic career in 1979, graduating with a B.S. degree in Geology from Rutgers University, New Brunswick N.J., USA. He did his masters degree in Geology at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow Poland. In 1987, he was awarded his Ph.D. in the subject of Oceanography from the W.H.O.I./M.I.T. Joint Program in the USA. In 2007, he defended his “Habilitation” thesis at the Polish Academy of Science.

His research, projects and teaching experience spans nearly 30 years and his recognition within the academic world bring significant recognition to KFUPM. Dr. Kaminski is fluent in English and Polish and holds a Visiting Professorship at the AGH University of Science & Technology in Krakow. He has authored over 200 scientific publications and is a member of the editorial boards of several academic journals, including Micropaleontology, the Revue de Micropaleontologie, Geological Quarterly, and the Grzybowski Foundation Special Publications. He has supervised over 60 graduate students.

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