On Monday, December 4, a recitation contest was held. Seventeen Year 0 to 4 students enrolled the contest. The young artists were supposed to present a chosen poem related to the city of Krakow. They made their performances even more interesting using a wide range of props, wearing costumes and doing their best to act as real actors do.
For the jury consisted of Mrs Barbara Prokop, Mrs Anna Radwańska and Mr Patryk Kundera, reaching the final decision was not an easy task to do.
A list of awarded students is available in Polish.

class 0-II

Im. – Iwo Siatka (kl. Ia)
II m. – Adrianna Łyszczarz (kl. Ia)
III m. – Eryk Kozłowski (kl. 0)
III m. – Kamila Guzdek (kl. Ia)

wyróżnienia: Aleksander Kaczmarczyk (Ia), Maksymilian Zarzycki (kl. 0), Ksawery Uszko (kl. 0), Karolina Sztorc (kl. Ia), Alicja Wenecka (kl. IIa), Lucjan Waszkielewicz (kl. IIa), Maksymilian Czuż (kl. IIa).

class III – IV

I m. – Igor Eichler (kl. IIIa)
II m. – Weronika Załuska (kl. IIIa)
III m.- Anna Lis (kl. IV)

wyróżnienia: Kuba Sterna (kl. IIIa), Joanna Cyganek (kl. IIIa), Aleksandra Jurka (kl. IVa).



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