On the 10th of January, our school hosted the 28th edition of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity known as WOŚP.  During this occasion, our volunteers, as well as the School Council, prepared many attractions in the aim to fundraise for the medical equipment needed to save the lives of children in Poland. There were fabulous attractions for the students such as the cream throw, face painting, a lottery, a photo booth, cake fair, arm-wrestling, and many other games. We’re certain to claim that auction of valuable items that were donated by our parents was the headline of the event.

We have managed to raise 14, 000 PLN* this year. We’ve also received congratulations from the headquarters of WOŚP, who stressed that no other educational institution in Krakow manages to raise such huge funds. We’d like to thank everyone for their priceless help, engagement, and partaking in the auction.

View our photo gallery

Face painting – 97,60 PLN
Lottery  – 3178,09 PLN
Photo booth – 156,41 PLN
Bear’s birthday – 154,05 PLN
Arm wrestling and sports activities – 105,00 PLN
Cake fair – 1472,96 PLN
Cream throw – 711,50 PLN
Cornrows and braids – 300,00 PLN
Balloon animals – 242,50 PLN
WOŚP balloons – 59,55 PLN
Auction – 6340,00 PLN
Fundraising can – 534,47 PLN

Total: 14 000, 00 PLN


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