Student’s Architectural And Design Projects Of The School’s Interior

We all have to agree that building new premises for school is always quite a challenge. It always engages architects with brainstorms and the opportunity to show off one’s talents. We decided to offer this chance to express creativeness to our students, allowing them to hand in their works and inspire us with ideas of what their dream school would look like. The students were to design the decoration of a classroom, the corridor, and a common room or library. We would like to express our thanks to all the participants and congratulate the winners on their fantastic ideas, which became our inspiration. We are very proud to announce to have received numerous fascinating works.

Here’s the list of winner projects and designs:
Class project:
Jan Olesiński, grade 1b
A project of the ‘corridor fragment and a place to rest’:
Natalia Płazak, grade 6a
A project of the ‘space to read at my school’:
First place: Konstanty Jędrzejsiak-Grzesiak, grade 2a
Second place: Filip Jarzynowski, grade 2a
Third place: Szymon Pisula, grade 2a

The prize for the winning projects of the ‘decoration of the classroom’ will be the implementation of the design to the new school building. The prize for the design of a corridor fragment will be the use of the design’s artistic idea in the interior design of the new building.

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